How To Find A Hobby At 60 That You’ll Love: 9 Tips

As we age and are busy with everyday life, family, and career we sometimes forget what activities we love to do to pass time. And that’s why you might wonder, how do I find a hobby at 60? Well, no need to look any further because with this complete guide I’m going to help you to find a hobby that you’ll love. So let’s start unpacking all these tips.

Tip 1: Know The Goal Of Your Hobby

On the quest to find your new hobby you can pause for a second before you try anything and think about what the goal of your hobby is. Is it something similar to existing hobbies of yours or do you want to try out something completely new?

Every person is different. So everyone is looking for different things in a hobby. Some people are more active than others and would like to have an active hobby. Others are more creative and would like to have a creative hobby.

The below questions can help you narrow down your search to hobbies that align with your preferences.

Questions To Ask Yourself To Find Your Hobby

  • Do you want a hobby that helps you relax?
  • Are you searching for a hobby that keeps you fit?
  • Do you want to learn a skill?
  • Would you like to express yourself?
  • Do you want to escape reality?
  • Or would you like to earn money with your hobby?

Hobby Ideas That Align With Your Goal

Now that you’ve got an idea in which area you should look for to find your new hobby, let’s share some ideas on what hobbies are out there that can possibly be your next hobby. Or give you some inspiration to move forward in the right direction.

Relaxing Hobby Ideas are reading, meditation, yoga, gardening, listening to music, etc.

Active Hobby Ideas are fitness, hiking, a team sport, dancing, cycling, etc.

New Skills Hobby Ideas: play a musical instrument, acting, learning a new language (yes you can learn a new language at 60). A great platform for learning new skills is Masterclass. I tell you more about it in a few.

Expressing Yourself Hobby Ideas can be painting, journaling, creating music, writing, etc.

Escape Reality Hobby Ideas are puzzling, board games, watching a film, gaming.

Money Earning Hobby Ideas are selling arts and crafts on Etsy, blogging, freelance gardener/ accountant/ handyman.

Tip 2: Go Back To Your Childhood

The best way to have success in finding a hobby at 60 is to revisit your childhood. What did you like to do as a kid? What hobbies did you have? Chances are you still might like the same activities.

As a kid, you only did things you loved to do. And as you’ve gotten older more and more time was taken away from the things you loved to do and more time went towards things that needed to be done. So it’s not like you stopped your childhood hobby because you lost interest. Life just got in the way and over time you probably forgot about it.

That’s why one of the best things you can do to find a hobby at 60 is to reclaim your old hobbies. Try them out and see what were the things you loved about them. Perhaps you can pick it up and continue where you left off. Or you’ve learned the common factors about what you loved about it and can use this information to find a similar kind of hobby.

On a different note. Do you feel you can get more out of your retirement? Are you truly happy in life? Well, if you want to make your retirement the best time of your life I have something amazing for you. I wrote an entire ebook for retirees to help them have the retirement of a lifetime. Check out my ebook: Five Steps To Happiness In Retirement if you’re curious.

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Tip 3: Follow A Class

Another way to find a hobby at 60 is to follow a class. You can learn more about an interest of yours, upgrade your skills, or explore something totally new and see if you like it by following a class. Also, a class teaches you more about a topic, but also more about yourself and what you love and don’t like.

It’s not about choosing the right class. Following a class and finding out you don’t love it is also useful information that helps you in the right direction towards finding your new hobby.

One of the best platforms to explore all sorts of new hobbies is Masterclass. You instantly have access to over 100 different classes that you can follow in a variety of topics; music, food, arts, sports, business, designing, lifestyle, writing, etc. Oh and did I mentioned these classes are all taught by the world’s best in their field. To name a few: Gordon Ramsay, Anna Wintour, Serena Williams, Alicia Keys, Thomas Keller, Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, and the list goes on. You can learn at your own pace, time, and space. It works just as easily as Netflix.

Tip 4: Pursue “I’ve Always Wanted To Do…”

At 60 you’ve done a lot in life. But there are also things you didn’t do because perhaps you didn’t have the time, energy, or money to do it.

Complete the sentence: I’ve always wanted to do…

Maybe you can make a list of things with things you’ve always wanted to do. Possibly one of the things on your list is your new hobby.

Tip 5: Turn An Interest Into A Hobby

Everyone has a lot of interests. But that doesn’t mean it’s a hobby.

An interest is something you want to know more about. You’re curious to learn more. It’s an intellectual action you do. A hobby is an enjoyable leisure activity that also requires physical action.

But interest can turn into hobbies. Do you have an interest that you want to learn more about that you can also turn into a hobby that requires physical action and more commitment?

Take a closer look at your life and notice what you buy, watch and read. And see if you can find common factors.

You can also check out these questions to figure out what interests you:

  • What activity is a stress reliever for you?
  • What makes you excited?
  • What is a topic you can read 500 books about and you’ll never get bored?
  • What do you love to talk about?
  • What gives you satisfaction, joy, and happiness in life?
  • What was the last activity that made you forget about time or forgot to eat?

With the answers to the above questions, you can search for hobbies that are similar to your interest.

Tip 6: Get Inspiration For That Spark

Another way to find a hobby at 60 is to get inspired and see what makes you light up.

You can visit all sorts of places or do different things to find inspiration. For example, visit a museum, the library, a bookstore and see what areas you’re drawn to. Even conversations with friends, family, or a stranger can give you inspiration for your quest to finding a hobby.

A lot of people throw their questions up in the air or as they call it into the universe and see what answers come back. For example, you say out loud or repeat a couple of times in your head: what is my hobby?. And then let it go, have trust, patience, and be aware of signs that guide you towards the right direction.

As long as you stay open to new ideas, perspectives and signs you’ll definitely find inspiration everywhere you go.

Tip 7: Turn An Everyday Activity Into A Hobby

There are a lot of activities you do every day. And you can consider these activities all potential new hobbies of yours.

Cooking, house maintenance, gardening, organizing, socializing can all turn into a new hobby. Especially if you’re retired you have more time to spend on activities you can try it out to see if there is something more to it that you love that can be a hobby.

Tip 8: Ride Along Someone Else’s Hobby

If you don’t have a clue where to start or what it is that you would enjoy you can always hop on someone else’s hobby wheel wagon. Ask a neighbor, friend, or family member if you can join their hobby for once just to try it out. After you’ve experienced something you’re more likely to continue your quest and you’ve new information that helps you to find your hobby.

Perhaps it’s a home run. And if not, at least you had some fun trying it out. And that leads me to my final tip.

Tip 9: Try Things Out Until It Fits

You don’t know if you like an activity or potentially love it if you haven’t tried it out. You need to take action and do a hobby before you know it’s something for you. That’s why it’s important to keep trying things out until you have found the hobby that you love.

And as I mentioned earlier, Masterclass is the perfect place to try out all sorts of potential hobbies until you’ve found the one thing that fits.

Wishing you a lot of fun in finding your new hobby at 60!

Kirsten Veldman

Since 2017, my husband and I have been location-independent retirees. With hundreds of articles written, I'm passionate about helping other retirees!

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