45 Things You Can Say To Someone Who Is Forced To Retire

Finding the right words to say to someone who is retiring is sometimes hard. And it even gets harder when someone is forced to retire. And that is why you might be wondering, what to say to someone who is forced to retire?

To someone who is forced to retire, you say:
The best is yet to come. May your retirement be filled with joy, laughter, and good health.
– I’m going to miss you. Wish you a happy, healthy, and enjoyable retirement.
– Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. It will not be the same without you here.
– Wish you all the best in this new chapter of your life. Make it the best one of your life!
– You’re great. So great, that you can’t retire from it. Wishing you the most stress-free retirement.

These are just a few examples. I’ve listed 35 funny, heartwarming, and uplifting things you can say to someone who is forced to retire in this article that will cheer him/ her up.

Heartwarming Things To Say To Someone Who Is Forced To Retire

1) Everything happens for a reason. It might be hard to imagine, but at some point in retirement, you’re going to realize this forced retirement was a blessing in disguise. Wishing you a wonderful retirement!

2) Wishing you good health, lots of happiness, and many successes as you move forward to this next chapter in your life!

3) Thank you for bringing so much joy and dedication. I’m going to miss your energy and positivity at the office. Good luck with making plans for your retirement. Know that it is never too late to start a bucket list.

4) Never forget the difference you have made! You’re unreplaceable and going to be missed. I wish a happy retirement!

5) Thank you for being one of the hardest workers and kindest people I know. You are a legend. Have a wonderful time in retirement.

6) For everything you’ve done, you deserve the best retirement ever!

7) Perhaps it’s a bit sooner than you’ve expected, but now is a perfect time to stop working and enjoy living. Have a happy retirement!

8) You’ve dedicated your whole life to your career. Now it’s time to do you. Time for fun and adventure. So let the real adventure begin now…

9) Congratulations, you’re about to enter the best part of your life. Perhaps you don’t see it yet, but it will unfold soon enough. You deserve the best time in retirement!

10) I wish you a wonderful future to enjoy with your family, friends, and hobbies.

Funny Things To Say To Someone Who Is Forced To Retire

11) Don’t you get it? You’re not forced into retirement… you just got promoted to the best job in your life. Enjoy it to the fullest!

12) You’ve paid your dues; now put on your golfing/ dancing/ hiking/ gardening shoes.

13) Cheers to you. The Man, The Myth, The Legend.

14) Bye-bye stress, deadline, and early meetings. Hello, happy hour, good books, and beach days! Sound good, right?!

15) Enjoy the government money—you’ve contributed enough!

16) Cheers to your neverending weekend!

17) Just see your retirement as a holiday. A six-month holiday, only twice a year.

18) Look at it this way… You’re finally your own boss. You decide what, when, where, and how. Make the best of your retirement!

19) Congratulations you don’t have to complain anymore about the cheap coffee and annoying customers. Instead, you can enjoy happy hours every day.

20) I’ll let you in on a secret… your beer will taste a lot better when you don’t have to work the next day. Cheers to that!

Uplifting Things To Say To Someone Who is Forced To Retire

21) Let’s toast to a healthy and happy retirement for you without stress and filled with adventures, joy, and laughter.

22) Welcome to your newfound freedom. It will be an exciting ride. Make the best of it. You owe it yourself!

23) The start of something new brings the hope of something great. Anything is possible!

24) Every end is a new beginning. Trust the magic of new beginnings. Enjoy your retirement!

25) Retirement is not the end of the road; it is the beginning of the open highway.

26) Look back and be proud of what you have achieved. Look forward and create the bright future you so deserve.

27) Stay positive. Better days are on their way! I promise you!

28) May this new chapter in your life be full of beautiful surprises!

29) This is a sign. Have trust in the universe and enjoy whatever retirement has in store for you!

30) May your retired life be blissful, joyful, healthy, and happy every day.

31) It is time. Time to do what makes you truly happy. Follow your dreams! It will take you on a fun ride.

32) If you put in as much effort to enjoy your retirement as you had to work at this company, your retirement will be a lot of success.

33) This can be the best thing that ever happened to you. Stay positive, and good things will happen! Have a great retirement.

34) After climbing the mountain, you deserve to sit back and enjoy the view. Grant yourself to sit back, relax, and enjoy your retirement.

35) You’ve got this (name retiree)!

Famous Inspirational Quotes To Say To Someone Who Is Forced To Retire

36) “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates

37) “There is a miracle in every new beginning” – Herman Hesse

38) “It is not what they take away from you that counts. It’s what you do with what you have left” – Hubert Humprey

39) “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings” – Lao Tzu

40) “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step” – Martin Luther King Jr.

41) “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind” – C.S. Lewis

42) “Don’t look back and ask, why? Look ahead and ask, why not?” – Neil Patel

43) “Sometimes, life takes you in a direction you never saw yourself going. But it can often be the best road you have ever taken.” – Edzzy Quotes

44) “When nothing is sure, everything is possible!” – Margaret Drabble

45) “Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly… but merely to be LIVED. Boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, magically lived!”– Mandy Hale Have a bold, wild and magical retirement!

Forced Retirement Gift Ideas

It is hard to come up with the right words to say for someone who is forced into retirement. Let alone find the perfect retirement gift. And that is why I’ve listed 5 great gifts for a forced retiree below. It will put a smile on their face and will make their forced retirement less hard.

Membership To Masterclass (My #1 Favorite Retirement Gift)

Even though a forced retirement is not what they have planned. You want that person to have the best time in retirement. A retirement filled with lots of fun, health, and happiness. A great gift to empower that wish is Masterclass.

Masterclass is a video streaming education platform filled with 100+ masterclasses from the best teachers in the world. For example, Gordon Ramsay teaches cooking, Alicia Keys teaches songwriting, Dan Brown teaches writing, Dr. Jane Goodall teaches conservation, Ron Finley teaches Gardening. And so many more world-leading experts.

But why is this such a great retirement gift?

Learning new things is the best way to stay healthy mentally and physically. It’s one of the important keys to a successful and happy retirement. And having something fun to do makes time in retirement that much more interesting.

With a membership to Masterclass, you give the retiree access to ALL classes on the platform. It gives them the opportunity to learn secrets from their idol, upgrade their existing talents or tap into a different subject they’ve always been interested in. They can explore new hobbies and interests, which makes their forced retirement feel like a normal and fun retirement.

The best part is, is that they can learn at their own pace, time, and device. It works just as easily as Netflix. That is why it’s a great retirement gift for anyone!

Can Coolers: “Retired. Not My Problem Anymore”

Wine Gift: “How Retirees Tell Time”

Book: “How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free”

Beer Mug: “This beer tastes a lot like I’m not going to work tomorrow” 

Kirsten Veldman

Since 2017, my husband and I have been location-independent retirees. With hundreds of articles written, I'm passionate about helping other retirees!

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