Are you busy planning your retirement party and wondering how to write a retirement invitation? Look no further. I got you covered! In this article, I’ll explain the key elements for a retirement invitation and share some funny and inspiring invitation ideas.
When writing a Retirement Invitation, you need to choose the right tone that fits the retiree and work environment.
A Retirement Invitation contains the following information:
- Name of Retiree
- Retirement Date
- Details of the Retirement Party: Venue Location, Date, Time
- Dress code
- Gift Guide: Inform people if you expect a gift
When you read on, I’ll explain these details more in-depth and also share some examples of retirement invitations. Ready to learn how to write the perfect retirement invitation? Let’s start!
Choose The Right Tone For A Retirement Invitation
So, a good retirement invitation sets the tone for the party. It’s essential to pick the right tone for the invitation. You want people getting excited about the retirement party when they receive the invitation.
Also, when you pick a very formal tone on the retirement invitation, you’re probably not doing a good job for a more informal retirement party or retiree. You might wonder, how can I pick the right tone for a retirement invitation?
It’s actually quite simple. There are basically three elements that decide if should go for a formal or informal tone on the invitation.
The first one is the company where the retiree works. Suppose this company has a very formal style, for example, a government-related office. In that case, you must go with a formal invitation. But when it’s the other way around, so this company has an informal style, you can be more creative and go for an informal invitation.
Make sure to check the guidelines of the company when it comes to sending out retirement invitations. Especially the more formal companies often have strict guidelines when it comes to sending out invitations.
When there aren’t any company rules you should follow, the company itself is somewhat in between formal and informal style. It’s important to look at the two other factors for deciding your retirement invitation tone; The retiree and the retirement party’s theme.
Suppose the retiree is a very funny person. Always in for a laugh, a good temper, you should go for a tone that matches the person. So, in this case, pick a funny informal tone. However, when this funny person works in a very formal environment, you should probably go for a more formal tone on the invitation.
The last element that can decide on which tone to choose for a retirement invitation is the retirement party itself. Most retirement parties have a specific party theme. This retirement party’s invitation is the one chance you have to set the tone and tell people what to expect for this retirement party.
So, let’s say the retirement party will be an informal party with a pirates theme. The invitation to this party must be informal, for example, with a message in a bottle or in the style of a treasure map.
When planning a retirement party and picking the right tone for a retirement invitation, the only limitations of creativity you can have are the company rules (if there are any) and your retirement party’s wishes.
If you’re planning your retirement party or a retirement party for a retiree and looking for more guidance, I recommend reading my article, How Do I Plan A Retirement Party? Which is a complete retirement party planning guide.
Pick A Memorable Invitation Card
Choosing the right invitation card for a retirement invitation also sets the tone for a retirement party. When you decide if you go formal or informal, you can decide which card you want to use for the invitation.
Of course, this also depends on other facts, such as the theme of the retirement party. However, when looking for a memorable invitation card, I definitely recommend using LovePop Cards. LovePop Cards are 3D printed cards that ‘pops’ when opening the card.
It’s something different, and definitely memorable! Check out LovePop Cards for retirement invitation ideas here.
Include Essential Information to Retirement Invitation
So, you decided on the tone for the retirement invitation. Now it is time to collect the essential information. You only send out the retirement invitation once, so it’s essential to include the necessary information.
Essential information for a retirement invitation are:
- Name of Retiree
People must know who’s retiring. - Retirement Date
When is the retiree retiring? - Details of the Retirement Party: Venue Location, Date, Time
The retirement party can be on a different day than the actual retirement date, so it’s essential to add it.
A retirement invitation is also about managing expectations. When adding details about the party, managing expectations is precisely what you’re doing. - Dress code
You must include a dress code when the retirement party is theme-based (I feel a bit like a pirate today, so let’s stick with the pirate theme, arrr!). Wouldn’t it be funny when everyone is dressing up like a pirate for your retirement party!? - Gift Guide: Inform people if you expect a gift
Sometimes people find it challenging to include a gift guide to the retirement invitation. However, when you invite many people to the retirement party, it can help have a gift guide. You can avoid ending up with many different gifts. You can ask people for a financial contribution if you want to buy something for yourself in retirement. Or when you have specific plans in retirement, for example, traveling, you can ask them for a travel-related gift. - RSVP
RSV…what? This abbreviation is originally French and stands for “répondez s’il vous plaît.” Which means, please respond.
When sending out invitations, you want to know if people received them and if they’re planning to come to your party. By adding an RSVP, you ask people to respond to the invitation. This way, you know upfront how many people to expect, which is helpful with planning your retirement party.
Retirement Invitation Examples
Now that you know the basics of a retirement invitation, it’s time to share some examples. I created different examples for different styles. You can easily copy and paste them if you like and want to use them on your own retirement invitation.
Formal Retirement Invitation Example
“After <XX> years of service <NAME> is retiring. Please join us for a retirement party at <Location – Date – Time>.
RSVP to: <use an e-mail address for convience>
No Gifts.
Informal Retirement Invitation Example
“<NAME> is retiring.
It’s time to celebrate this unique moment at <Location – Date – Time>
Join us for this unique moment in <NAME> life.
No RSVP Required”
Funny Retirement Invitation Example
I like these invitations the most. Remember when we still were young and send out the invitation to your birthday party? ‘Bring your swimming suits, but I’m not telling what we’re going to do!’ and then instead of swimming going to an ice skate ring or something. I think that’s a funny invitation, and why not doing something like that on your retirement invitation? All the work is done, so it’s time to have some fun!
Use these funny cards with the text below for a funny invitation!
“Finally! <Name> is retiring! After years of acting like a retiree, he’s finally made it official! Join us for celebrations on <Location – Date – Time>.”
“1, 2, 3, It’s time to honor the retiree! <Name> is retiring, and we’re celebrating, are you joining us?
<Location – Date – Time>.
Please RSVP before: <DATE> to <CONTACT INFO>”
Theme Party Retirement Invitation Examples
We all love a good theme party, and a retirement party is a perfect opportunity to have one! Arr, yes, I still feel a bit like a pirate! 😉
So, when having a Pirate theme for your retirement party, you can print it on a treasure map and use a text on the invitation like;
“Ahoy Mates! Captain <NAME> is retiring.
Rum included, come if ye dare!
<Location – Date – Time>.
RSVP by <date & contact information>”
Use this Bottle Invitation Kit on Amazon to create to perfect Pirate Theme Invitation!
When having a travel-related theme for the retirement party (which is a great idea when the retiree is planning to travel in retirement), you can print the invitations in a boarding pass style.
Text can be something like:
Flight: <NAME> Retirement Party
Destination: <Location of Retirement Party>
Departure Date: <Date of Retirement Party>
Boarding Time: <Time of Retirement Party>
RSVP to confirm your seat before <date> to <contact information>
Use this Boarding Pass invitation on Amazon to create the perfect travel related invitation!
As you can see, you can go all out when writing a retirement invitation. The most important thing is that you include essential information. The tone fits the retiree and the company’s style.
When you’re writing a retirement invitation for someone who’s retiring, I recommend sharing the invitation with the retiree before sending out the invitations. This way, you’ll make sure that the retiree is also happy with the details that you included on the invitations.
Recommended Helpful Articles
Now that you know how to write the perfect retirement invitation, you’re probably looking for more information to organize a retirement party. I recommend reading some of my other helpful articles;
Who To Invite For A Retirement Party?
Knowing how to write a retirement invitation is essential. Still, it’s evenly that important to invite the right persons for your retirement party. Sometimes it can be challenging to create a guest list for your retirement party because the venue only has a limited capacity. I share all the important tips & tricks in my article Who To Invite For A Retirement Party, the Etiquette Guide.
How Do I Plan A Retirement Party?
Planning a retirement party can be a lot of work. When you can use a useful checklist, it’s getting a lot easier! So that’s why I created the complete checklist to plan a retirement party in this article.
How To Host A Retirement Party?
When you decide to host your own retirement party, for example, at home, there’s a lot more you need to take care of. It’s more work than when having a retirement party at a party venue. However, it can be cheaper and a lot more fun! My article, How To Host a Retirement Party, is a helpful guide with all the important steps to host a retirement party.