30 Fun Things To Do To Enjoy Retirement

three senior retirees thinking of fun things to do in retirement

Now that you’re retired, you might wonder: how can I have fun? You’re in the right place! This article lists 30 fun activities to inspire your retirement days.

Enjoying retirement means finding activities you love. Fun is something that makes you lose track of time and never gets boring. You’ll feel absorbed and live in the moment. For many retirees, this includes hobbies, volunteering, or spending time with family.

Ready to discover how to have fun in retirement? We’ll start with an inspiring list of activities. At the end, I’ll answer some of the frequently asked questions retirees have regarding having fun in retirement. Let’s dive in!

1. Create A Retirement Bucket List

A bucket list is a collection of things you want to do, places to see, and experiences to have before you pass. Start your retirement by creating a bucket list to ensure you have fun and exciting experiences ahead.

To make sure you complete your list, write it on a chalkboard and cross off at least one activity each month. This can be a fun activity to do with your spouse—each of you can create a list and pick an activity from each other’s list every month. It’s a great way to enjoy retirement together!

Consider using a magnetic chalkboard. You can place it on your fridge to see your bucket list daily, helping you remember and plan your favorite activities.

Read: 101+ Ideas For Your Retirement Bucket List

2. Visit Your Family And Friends

Retirement gives you plenty of free time to visit friends and family you haven’t seen in a while, or just see them more often.

This stage of life is perfect for reconnecting with loved ones. Catching up, even after a long time, can be very rewarding. If you have family or friends who live far away, now you have the time to travel and visit them.

3. Take A Class

Retirement is the perfect time to learn something new, whether it’s on your bucket list or a longstanding interest. Many colleges and universities in the U.S. offer discounted or free classes for seniors. This is a great opportunity to go back to school and expand your knowledge. Check out this useful list of colleges that offer discounted and free programs.

Online classes are another excellent option. Have you heard of MasterClass? It’s an online platform where you can take courses taught by some of the most successful and famous people in the world, such as Gordon Ramsay, Tony Hawk, and even Martin Scorsese.

With over 100 courses available, each with an average of 20 video lessons around 10 minutes each, you can download and watch them offline. It’s a fantastic way to combine fun and learning during your retirement.

4. Start Writing

After the end of your career comes a great opportunity for reflection. Consider writing your memoirs to capture your past experiences. This can become a family tradition, with your children and grandchildren adding their stories.

If memoirs aren’t your style, write stories or anything that inspires you. Be creative and enjoy the process—it’s all about having fun!

5. Become A Mentor Or Coach

Most probably, you have a wealth of experience to share. Consider becoming a mentor or coach to help others. Depending on your background, you could become a career coach, guiding others in their professional paths, or a life coach, assisting people in making life choices.

Remember, mentoring or coaching can be time-consuming, so ensure it doesn’t take up all your free time. It should be a rewarding and enjoyable activity, allowing you to also pursue other interests. Coaching can be a fulfilling way to give back while staying engaged and active.

6. Stay Physically Active

To enjoy many happy and healthy years in retirement, it’s important to stay physically active. While age-related health issues are inevitable, the CDC states that regular physical activity can help prevent some of these problems.

Follow the CDC’s guidelines for physical activity, and try to combine exercise with fun activities like swimming, golf, or hiking. This way, you can stay fit while also enjoying your retirement.

Read: How Can I Stay Active In Retirement

7. Perform A Random Act Of Kindness

A random act of kindness is a selfless gesture to help or cheer up a stranger, which also brings happiness to you.

Examples include helping a child or elderly person cross the street, watering your neighbor’s flowers, feeding someone’s parking meter, handing out flowers, or leaving positive notes on cars. Any small act that brightens someone’s day works.

Another fun idea is to give out motivational cards to people you meet. A simple card can make someone’s day extra special!

8. Be A Host

Take the lead in entertaining by inviting friends or family over for activities like game nights, karaoke, or wine tasting. You’d be surprised at how much fun you can have creating a memorable experience for those around you.

Hosting doesn’t just have to be for close circles though. Consider opening your home (or a spare room) to travelers on Airbnb.com. This allows you to meet new and interesting people from all over the world while earning some extra income on the side.

9. Stay Socially Active

In addition to staying physically active, it’s vital to maintain your social connections in retirement. Many retirees find it challenging to stay socially engaged, especially if much of their social interaction was mostly work-related before.

Being socially active has numerous health benefits. According to an article in Harvard Health Publishing, seniors who engage in frequent social interactions tend to lead more active lifestyles.

Having a wide social circle opens up opportunities for enjoyable activities in retirement. Prioritizing social connections can lead to a fulfilling and active retired life.

Read: How Can I Stay Socially Active In Retirement

10. Go To A Comedy Club

Plan a night out at a nearby comedy club with friends, your spouse, or even alone. Laughter-filled evenings are always enjoyable.

Alternatively, you can watch comedy shows at home with your spouse. Channels like CBS offer a variety of comedy shows that you can stream whenever you want, making for a fun and cozy night.

11. Reconnect With Your Spouse

Now that you have more time, prioritize reconnecting with your partner. 

First, plan a date night. Escape the routine with a special evening tailored to your interests. This could be anything from a romantic dinner and a concert to a fun night of bowling and arcade games.

Then set up a treasure hunt. Create a playful adventure around your house or neighborhood, leaving clues that lead to a special surprise. This is a fun way to add some excitement and rediscover the joy of spending quality time together.

And if you can, renew your vows. Reaffirm your commitment to each other in a ceremony, big or small. It can be a chance to reflect on your journey together and set new intentions for the future.

12. Plan An Adventure Trip

Embark on an adventure trip for an unforgettable experience. The thrill of planning begins with brainstorming destinations and activities that ignite your passions. Whether it’s scaling mountains in Patagonia, cruising the Palawan islands in the Philippines, or volunteering in a wildlife sanctuary, there’s an adventure out there waiting for you

If you’re interested in traveling during retirement, be sure to invest in quality travel gear and set off on an adventure together.

Read: How To Retire And Travel Cheap

13. Organize A Surprise Party

If you enjoy planning and bringing joy to others, orchestrating a surprise party can be a delightful way to spend your newfound free time. Whether it’s a milestone birthday for a friend or a colleague’s retirement, surprise parties are a guaranteed way to create lasting memories.

The key here is to be discreet and enlist the help of trustworthy friends and family to pull off a truly unforgettable celebration.

14. Volunteer Work

Engaging in volunteer work is both popular and rewarding in retirement. You can have fun while making a difference in others’ lives. Explore Volunteer.gov for opportunities near you.

Many retirees opt for volunteering to contribute to their communities with their newfound time. It’s a fantastic way to stay socially active and meet new people. 

Read: Why Do Retirees Volunteer

15. Coach A Sports Team

If you’re passionate about sports and looking for ways to stay active and engaged in retirement, consider coaching a team. This could be anything from your grandchildren’s recreational league to a local adult sports club in need of guidance.

Just like with mentoring, coaching offers a fulfilling way to share your knowledge and love for the game, while also staying involved in the athletic community.

16. Start Cooking

Do you enjoy cooking and looking for a fun retirement activity? Experimenting with unusual recipes can be a delicious way to keep your mind and taste buds engaged. To enhance your skills and find inspiration, consider taking an online cooking class. 

Cooking is a great way to learn new techniques and explore exciting flavors from the comfort of your own kitchen. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just starting out, online classes offer a flexible and convenient way to expand your culinary horizons.

17. Test Drive Your Dream Car

Even if you’re not in the market to buy, indulging in a test drive of your favorite car can be a thrilling retirement activity. Visit a nearby dealership and enjoy a spin behind the wheel.

Ever dreamed of driving a Ferrari? You can now experience it easily with GoDream. This unique opportunity offers four laps on a closed circuit. Choose from various locations, and if you’re interested in trying a different luxury car, that’s an option too!

18. Attend A Mystery Dinner Show

Dive into an immersive experience by searching for a nearby mystery dinner show. These events offer a unique blend of entertainment and dining, allowing you to solve thrilling mysteries while enjoying a delicious meal.

Whether you’re a fan of detective stories or simply enjoy a good puzzle, attending a mystery dinner theater can be a memorable and fun activity in retirement.

19. Visit An Escape Room

For retirees who love a challenge, visiting an escape room can provide an exciting and engaging experience. Test your problem-solving skills and teamwork abilities as you work against the clock to solve puzzles and unlock clues to escape the room.

Conquering escape rooms is a fantastic way to stimulate your mind and enjoy some adrenaline-pumping fun during retirement.

20. Take A Road Trip

Retirement is the best time to explore and get into an adventure. And what better way to embrace the life of a traveling retiree than by taking a road trip?

Whether you’re traveling solo, with your spouse, or with a group of friends, hitting the open road allows you to discover new destinations, scenic routes, and hidden gems along the way. From national parks to charming small towns, a road trip offers the freedom to go wherever the wind takes you, creating unforgettable memories along the journey.

Read: Best Road Trips Ideas For Retirees

21. Embark On A Cruise

Meanwhile, if you’re looking for relaxation and adventure, cruising offers an enticing option. Each day brings a new destination to explore, with onboard entertainment and activities ensuring there’s never a dull moment.

Many retirees find the cruising lifestyle so enjoyable that they opt to spend extended periods living aboard these floating resorts, indulging in the carefree atmosphere and endless amenities.

22. Learn A Musical Instrument

Have you ever dreamt of serenading loved ones with a heartfelt melody or jamming out to your favorite tunes? Retirement is the perfect time to turn that dream into reality! 

Learning a musical instrument can sharpen your mind, boost your mood, and provide a creative outlet. The best part? You don’t need to be a child prodigy to learn. There are instruments for all skill levels and interests, from the calming melodies of a piano to the rhythmic energy of the drums.

Many online resources and local teachers cater specifically to adult learners, making it easier than ever to get started.

23. Dive Into An Adventurous Novel Or Thriller

Books provide a gateway to adventure and excitement, transporting readers to far-off lands and thrilling encounters. Whether you prefer the heart-pounding suspense of a thriller or the immersive world-building of an adventurous novel, reading offers an escape from the ordinary. 

Not only is reading an adventure or thriller novel an enjoyable pastime, but it also stimulates the mind, improving cognitive abilities such as IQ, memory, vocabulary, and communication skills.

Invest in a Kindle E-reader for unlimited access to a vast library of captivating stories, ensuring that your retirement is filled with endless literary adventures.

24. Create A Family Tree

If you enjoyed history class, building your family tree can be a rewarding retirement activity. Many retirees delve into their family history, tracing their ancestors using online platforms like FamilyEcho.com, Ancestry.com, FindMyPast.com, and FamilySearch.com.

Those platforms offer user-friendly tools and vast databases to help you trace your ancestors’ journeys. Imagine the satisfaction of piecing together your family’s narrative and creating a legacy for future generations.

25. Surround Yourself With Positive People

Having fun in retirement often involves surrounding yourself with uplifting individuals who share your interests and outlook on life. Take charge of your social circle by filtering out negative influences and welcoming those who bring joy and laughter into your life.

Consider joining clubs or organizations focused on your hobbies, hosting travelers on Airbnb to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, or simply striking up conversations with interesting people you encounter during your daily activities. 

Building a network of positive and supportive friends can significantly enhance your overall well-being and create a vibrant social life in retirement.

26. Start A Business

Who says retirement can’t be both fun and financially rewarding? Explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship and discover hidden talents you never knew you possessed.

The internet presents a plethora of opportunities, whether it’s selling unique crafts on Etsy.com, sharing your knowledge through a blog, launching a YouTube.com channel to showcase your passions, or even venturing into the world of drop-shipping.

Turning your hobbies or skills into a business can be a fulfilling way to stay active, generate income, and leave a lasting legacy.

27. Redecorate Your Home

Revamping your home can be a fun project in retirement, bringing a fresh feel to your living space. Consider getting a new haircut, having a professional makeup session, or updating your wardrobe for a makeover experience. Invite a friend or family member to join in for added enjoyment.

If a total home makeover feels daunting, start by decluttering, rearranging, or redecorating a room. Move furniture around to add excitement to your space.

28. Try Diamond Painting

Are you a fan of craft hobbies? Consider trying diamond painting! It combines elements of paint by numbers and cross-stitching, using small colored stones called diamonds to create stunning images.

Diamond painting is a relaxing and enjoyable activity to do at home. For those who love creativity, I suggest subscribing to the monthly Diamond Painting box on CrateJoy. You’ll receive a customized box each month, allowing you to create unique and beautiful images with every project!

29. Explore Craft Hobbies

Seeing a finished craft project, whether it’s a beautifully embroidered pillowcase or a meticulously carved wooden spoon, brings a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The tangible results of your efforts provide a wonderful boost of confidence and pride, so try crafting to have fun during retirement!

To make it easy for you to get into this hobby, consider subscribing to the Adults And Crafts Subscription Box on CrateJoy. Each month, you’ll receive a new craft project delivered to your doorstep, complete with all the necessary materials. From wine carriers to candles and coasters, you can enjoy creating unique and enjoyable products.

30. Play 3D Puzzles

For retirees seeking a mentally stimulating and relaxing hobby, look no further than 3D puzzles! These intricate brain teasers offer a unique challenge, encouraging you to think spatially and problem-solve your way to a rewarding completion.

Beyond the fun factor, studies by Harvard Health Publishing suggest that brain games like puzzles can help maintain overall brain health—a great benefit for anyone looking to keep their mind sharp in retirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we answer some of the most common questions about having fun and finding fulfillment in your retirement. Dive in and discover how to make your retirement truly extraordinary!

How do I find new hobbies in retirement?

Explore interests you’ve always wanted to pursue or try out new activities through classes or clubs. You might discover hidden talents or passions you never knew you had!

Is traveling common in retirement?

Yes, many retirees enjoy traveling to new destinations or revisiting favorite places. Exploring different cultures and landscapes can provide enriching experiences and lasting memories.

How can I stay socially active in retirement?

Stay connected with friends and family, join clubs or groups, and volunteer in your community. Building and maintaining social connections can bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging during retirement.

Are there online resources for retirees?

Yes, there are plenty of online platforms offering courses, hobby ideas, and community forums for retirees. You can access a wealth of information and connect with like-minded individuals from the comfort of your home.

Can I start a business in retirement?

Yes, starting a small business or pursuing entrepreneurship is possible in retirement, offering new challenges and opportunities. It’s a chance to turn your passion into profit and leave a lasting legacy.

What are some affordable ways to have fun in retirement?

Enjoying hobbies like reading, gardening, or cooking at home can be affordable and enjoyable. You can also explore local parks, museums, or free community events for budget-friendly entertainment.

How do I balance leisure and productivity in retirement?

Find a balance between relaxing activities and engaging in meaningful pursuits like volunteering or learning new skills. This balance ensures that you enjoy your leisure time while also feeling fulfilled and productive.

Are there health benefits to having fun in retirement?

Yes, staying active and engaged in enjoyable activities can contribute to overall physical and mental well-being in retirement. It can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function, leading to a happier and healthier retirement.

What if I’m unsure how to have fun in retirement?

Experiment with different activities, seek inspiration from others and remember that retirement is a time to explore and enjoy life at your own pace. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Can I still have fun in retirement on a limited budget?

Absolutely! Look for free or low-cost activities in your community, take advantage of senior discounts, and get creative with your entertainment options to have fun without breaking the bank. With a bit of ingenuity, you can enjoy a fulfilling retirement without spending a fortune.


I hope this list of activities has sparked some inspiration for your retired life! Remember, the key to having fun is finding what truly absorbs you and lets you live in the moment. Whether it’s pursuing a lifelong passion, helping others through volunteering, or simply cherishing time with loved ones, embrace the activities that bring you joy.

Here are some articles you may want to read as well:

Happy reading!


My wife and I quit the rat race and retired in 2021. We RV'ed around the US for a couple of years and now we're slow traveling outside the US!

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