70 Heartwarming And Appreciative Retirement Toasts For Everyone

To truly mark someone’s retirement, consider raising a glass and dishing out a retirement toast at their farewell party.

Luckily, I’ve put together a diverse collection of 70 retirement toasts—both formal and heartfelt, suitable for different roles and relationships. These toasts can honor and show our gratitude to those starting this new chapter. So, let’s raise our glasses and celebrate this exciting new beginning!

1. Retirement Toast By Retiree

If you’re the star of the party, then you wouldn’t want to miss the chance to start the toast and thank everyone who attended to celebrate your new life. Here are some options you can use as templates or find inspiration within them:

  1. I want to raise a toast to all of you, my colleagues and friends, who have made my time here so memorable. Your support, your laughter, and your camaraderie have meant the world to me. It’s bittersweet to say goodbye, but I know that I leave this company in good hands. Thank you for everything, and here’s to new adventures!
  2. As I look around this room, I see so many familiar faces and fond memories. I am truly grateful for the opportunities this company has given me and the amazing people I have worked with. I will cherish the relationships I have built here for years to come. I raise a glass to all of you and thank you.
  3. I never thought this day would come, but here we are. As I prepare to bid farewell to my career, I am filled with gratitude for all of the experiences I have had and all of the lessons I have learned. To my colleagues and friends, I want to say thank you for being a part of this journey. I couldn’t have done it without you. Here’s to the next chapter in all of our lives!
  4. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for celebrating with me! Retirement, like napping, is finally mine to enjoy after years of frozen pizza… and memories too precious to forget. Here’s to adventures, late mornings, and a future as bright as this moment with all of you!
  5. Hearts full, eyes forward! This new chapter dawns bright with gratitude for our shared journeys. Your friendship and love fueled my path. Now, with adventures calling, let’s raise a glass! To cherished memories and futures brimming with possibility! Cheers!

2. Retirement Toast For Boss

As a well-deserved retirement beckons, it’s time to celebrate the boss who has guided, challenged, and inspired you! Raise a glass to their journey and yours, using these toasts as springboards for your heartfelt send-off:

  1. Here’s to our esteemed boss, [Name], who has led us with grace and dedication throughout their tenure. Your guidance and leadership have been invaluable to us, and we are grateful for the opportunities you have given us. We wish you all the best in your retirement and will miss you dearly. Cheers to your retirement!
  2. To [Name], our beloved boss and mentor. You have inspired us with your unwavering work ethic, boundless energy, and contagious enthusiasm. Your legacy will continue to live on in our work, and we will always be grateful for your impact on our lives. Cheers to a well-deserved retirement!
  3. We raise a glass to [Name], the best boss anyone could ask for. You have been a true leader, a trusted advisor, and a friend to all of us. Your dedication to our success has been unwavering, and we can’t thank you enough for everything you have done. We wish you all the happiness and relaxation that retirement can bring. Congratulations!
  4. To [Name], cheers! Beyond meetings and memes, you led, mentored, and made a lasting mark. May your retirement be as carefree as those Friday happy hours! Here’s to you! Cheers!
  5. To [Name], our esteemed leader and now celebrated retiree! As you embark on this exciting new chapter, I/we raise a glass to acknowledge your incredible impact.

Read: Farewell Speech For Retiring Boss (Examples & Tips!)

3. Retirement Toast For Coworkers

Now that we have the boss toasts covered, let’s shift to phenomenal colleagues embarking on exciting new adventures! Whether they’ve been your partner-in-crime, problem-solving pro, or coffee break buddy, these toasts will help you craft the perfect send-off.

  1. Here’s to [Name], a true legend in our company. You have been an inspiration to us all, and your legacy will live on long after your retirement. We will miss your wit, your wisdom, and your unwavering dedication to excellence. Cheers to a well-deserved retirement!
  2. To my dear friend [Name], who has worked tirelessly for years to make this company what it is today. Your positive attitude, your creativity, and your leadership have been a driving force behind our success. Working alongside you has been an honor, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish in retirement. Here’s to you!
  3. To my dear coworker and friend, [Name], who has been an integral part of this team for so many years. Your hard work, dedication, and positive attitude have inspired us all. We will miss your presence in the office, but we know that you are off to new adventures and well-deserved relaxation. Thank you for being a role model and a friend, and cheers to your retirement!
  4. To our retiring coworker, we will miss your endless supply of office gossip and your unwavering commitment to avoiding actual work. But in all seriousness, you have been an invaluable member of our team, and we are so grateful for all the laughs and memories we’ve shared. Here’s to a happy and hilarious retirement!
  5. To [Name], cheers! Your smile and laughter brightened our days, your skills conquered challenges, and your presence made everything at work bearable. We’ll miss you, but wish you all the best in your well-deserved retirement!

4. Retirement Toast For Employees

As a boss, celebrating an employee’s retirement is an important responsibility. While escape might seem tempting, your presence and well-wishes are much appreciated. Remember, your attitude sets the tone for the occasion.

Whether you’ve had a close working relationship or not, sending them off with a sincere and positive message is key. So, let’s raise a glass to these superstars embarking on well-deserved futures, be they exciting adventures or relaxing retreats!

  1. To [Name], a pillar of our team! Your dedication and expertise shaped our success. We’re grateful for your impact and wish you joyous retirement adventures!
  2. Bitterweet farewell to [Name], retiring after [number] years! You’ve been an exemplary employee who has inspired everyone. Your legacy of excellence lives on. Best in retirement! Cheers!
  3. Tonight, we celebrate the end of an era and an exciting new chapter for [Name]. [He/She] has been invaluable, leaving a lasting impact with [specific contribution or memory]. [His/Her] talent and dedication are rare, and [he/she] will be dearly missed. But as [Name] embarks on retirement with plans to [mention plan], we know [he/she] will thrive. Here’s to a well-deserved retirement filled with sunshine and laughter!
  4. To our retiring employee, your witty jokes and impeccable timing always brought a smile to the office. Even though you occasionally knew how to lighten the mood just when we needed it most, you were a crucial member of our team, and we deeply appreciate your dedication and contributions. We wish you a fulfilling retirement filled with laughter, relaxation, and maybe even catching up on all those Netflix shows you’ve been wanting to watch!
  5. [Name], your unwavering determination was an inspiration to us all. When we faced deadlines, you were the calm rock who kept us focused. We wouldn’t have overcome our boring days at work without you. As you move on, I wish you a retirement filled with happiness and enjoyment.

Read: 20 Amazing Gifts To Give An Employee When They Retire

5. Retirement Toast For Friends

As a friend, you know the star of the party will expect your heartfelt words at their retirement toast. This is your chance to share cherished memories, express gratitude for their support, and wish them well in their new adventures. So, buckle up and get ready to share some heartfelt words.

  1. Cheers to [Name] on their retirement! After [number of years] years of hard work and dedication, you have finally earned the right to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You have always been a role model to us with your work ethic, kindness, and unwavering commitment to excellence. So here’s to you, [Name], and to a happy and fulfilling retirement!
  2. It’s hard to believe that you’re retiring after all these years. You have always been a consummate professional with an unshakeable work ethic and a can-do attitude that has inspired me. You have earned your retirement, and we wish you all the happiness and relaxation that it brings. Here’s to you, friend, and to a long and fulfilling retirement!
  3. Cheers to the next chapter, [Name]! Your dedication and brilliance inspired us all, and your legacy lives on. Wishing you joyful adventures and a retirement as bright as your smile!
  4. To [Name], the spotlight’s yours! Your work stories, even though I wasn’t directly involved, always brightened my day. Stay true to yourself in retirement, cool cat that you are!
  5. Sweet farewell, [Name]! We’ve been great friends for years, and I hope that continues even after your retirement. Now, soak up endless happiness and fulfillment in your well-deserved time off. Cheers!

Read: 150 Retirement Wishes, Messages & Quotes For A Friend

6. Retirement Toast For Husbands

As the retiree’s wife, this is your chance to honor your husband’s remarkable career and an exciting new chapter. Raise a glass and share sincere words reminiscing about treasured moments, expressing your deep appreciation for his unwavering support, and wishing him joy in his well-deserved retirement adventures through these toasts:

  1. To my amazing husband, [Name], on your retirement! After many years of hard work and dedication, you have finally reached this well-deserved milestone. I am so proud of all you have accomplished in your career and your positive impact on so many lives. As you begin this new chapter in your life, I am excited to see all the new adventures that await us. I know that you will continue to thrive and succeed in everything you do, and I look forward to being by your side through it all. So here’s to you, my love, and to a happy and fulfilling retirement!
  2. On the occasion of your retirement, my love, my best friend, and life partner, [Name], I raise this toast to you! Though you spent a lot of your time at work, you always made time for me and our family. As we embark on this next phase of our lives together, may we be filled with new experiences and cherished memories.
  3. To my beloved husband, [Name], as you hang up your hat after a stellar career, cheers! I celebrate your achievements, both at work and with our family. You’ve led with strength, inspired, and supported. Here’s to new adventures, shared joy, and a fulfilling retirement together. Happy days, my love!
  4. To my dear husband, who is finally retiring and can stop complaining about his coworkers… just kidding, we know you’ll find new things to complain about! We are so proud of all the hard work you’ve put in over the years, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll accomplish now that you’re retired.
  5. Cheers to [Name]! You have achieved a remarkable milestone in your life. Now that you have more time on your hands, I hope that we can spend it together. To you, my love, and a retirement as extraordinary as you!

Read: 60 Awesome Retirement Gifts For Your Husband

7. Retirement Toast For Wife

Below is a collection of toasts that pay tribute to your wives’ tireless dedication, unwavering support, and boundless love. Here’s to—the incredible women who have enriched our lives in countless ways—the exciting adventures that await them in their retirement!

  1. To my darling [Name], as you celebrate your well-deserved retirement, let me burst with pride! You juggled your career and our family with such grace and strength, something no one else could have done. You inspire me every day. Cheers to you, my love, and to a future filled with joy, exploration, and all the adventures we dream of together!
  2. Cheers to my love, [Name]! You poured your heart and soul into your work, and I admired it dearly. I saw firsthand your dedication, and I can’t wait to witness you embrace this exciting new chapter with the same zest. Here’s to letting go of work and cherishing all the adventures that await us!
  3. Cheers to [Name], my love! Your impactful career is a testament to your drive. Watching you succeed fueled my admiration. Now, hand-in-hand, we embark on a new chapter filled with joy, love, and the adventures we dream of. To a fulfilling retirement, my darling!
  4. Cheers to [Name], my incredible wife! Retirement may mean more time together, but I wouldn’t want Netflix and chill to replace your well-deserved rest. We’re proud of your achievements, and now, excited for adventures, not extra housework! Here’s to you, my love, and a fulfilling retirement we can both enjoy!
  5. My love, it’s now time to relax and enjoy your well-deserved retirement! While I may not have initially anticipated your incredible career trajectory, witnessing your achievements has been pure joy. You’ve truly shown what amazing things women can accomplish. So, cheers to this exciting new chapter and all the adventures it holds!

8. Retirement Toast For Dads

Dad has finally hung up his hat and said goodbye to the grind! After years of supporting you from school to adulthood, he deserves a heartwarming toast (or several!). Here are a few to inspire you:

  • Today, we gather to honor my dad on his retirement. Dad, you have worked tirelessly for so many years, providing for our family and setting an incredible example of hard work and dedication. As you enter this next chapter of your life, we know that you will continue to inspire us all with your wisdom, kindness, and generosity. Thank you for being the best dad in the world, and here’s to a happy and fulfilling retirement!
  • Cheers, Dad! Your tireless work built a life we cherish. Your dedication inspires me always. Now, rest, Dad. Enjoy every moment of this well-earned retirement. We love you!
  • Dad, raising a glass to you on your retirement! Memories flood my mind: vacations, game nights, you at the heart of everything, holding us together with your love and dedication. Your hard work has impacted us all, and for that, we are eternally grateful. Now, enjoy this well-deserved freedom. Know that our love for you is boundless. Here’s to the next chapter, filled with joy and all the adventures you deserve!
  • Cheers to my father! He’s the person I aspire to become, and I hope to have a similarly successful and fulfilling retirement someday. Words can’t express our gratitude for all the years of hard work you’ve dedicated to us.
  • We’ll never forget the time, sweat, and tears you poured into this job to provide for our family. It put food on our table and ensured our well-being. As you embark on your well-deserved retirement, know that everyone is overjoyed for you. This toast is to you!

Read: 55 Amazing Retirement Party Ideas For Dad

9. Retirement Toast For Moms

Your mom has completed her full-time work, signaling the start of her retirement celebration. It’s time to express gratitude and honor her accomplishments. Make sure to give her a toast she’ll never forget!

  1. To my amazing mom, on her well-deserved retirement! Mom, you’ve been an incredible role model, teacher, and friend throughout my life. I’m deeply grateful for the sacrifices you’ve made for our family with your unwavering dedication and love. You’ve inspired us all, and we’re so proud of everything you’ve accomplished. As you embark on this exciting new chapter, I know you’ll continue to shine with your kindness and strength. Here’s to a happy and fulfilling retirement, filled with adventures and dreams coming true!
  2. Cheers, Mom! The backbone of our family, guiding light, and career powerhouse—your sacrifices inspire us all. This toast to your well-earned retirement, filled with love, laughter, and all you deserve!
  3. To my mom, the strongest and most inspiring person I know. Mom, you have worked hard for many years, and your commitment to your career and our family has not gone unnoticed. As you retire, I want you to know how much I admire you and appreciate all you have done for us. Your constant love, kindness, and strength have influenced our lives, and we are forever thankful. Enjoy this next chapter of your life, and know that we love you more than words can say.
  4. In honor of her retirement, let’s raise a toast to my dear mom. It’s time for her to hang up her work skirt and step away from office buildings. Though, knowing her, she’ll surely find ways to keep busy, whether it’s organizing our sock drawer or reminding us to eat our vegetables. Cheers to her exciting new chapter as a full-time grandma!
  5. Let’s toast to Mom’s grand retirement! Mom, you’ve handled so much with grace and humor over the years, from work challenges to shirt-folding lessons. Now, it’s time to relax, explore, and enjoy! We know you won’t sit still, but we hope you approach this new chapter with the same joy and energy. Cheers to your accomplishments, laughter, love, and a future filled with adventures and relaxation. Cheers, Mom!

Read: 36 Best Retirement Gift Ideas For Your Mom

10. Retirement Toast For Teachers

It’s not just an ending, it’s a transition! Today, we don’t simply mark the conclusion of someone’s career, but celebrate the countless lives enriched by their dedication. Our teachers weren’t just dispensers of knowledge, they were architects of our potential, igniting curiosity, fostering growth, and molding us into who we are today.

So, raise your glasses high, and let’s shower our retiring teachers with gratitude and these retirement toasts!

  1. To our cherished teacher, as you retire, know you’ve touched countless lives. Your passion, dedication, and kindness made a lasting impact. We’ll carry your lessons forward. Best wishes for an inspiring next chapter! Thank you, friend and mentor.
  2. Today, we celebrate our teacher’s retirement and reflect on all the amazing memories we have shared over the years. You have always gone above and beyond, from early morning lectures to after-school tutoring sessions, to ensure our success. Please enjoy this next chapter of your life, and know we will never forget the lessons you taught us.
  3. To the teacher who held our hands and opened our minds, a toast! You poured your passion into our education, weaving your love for learning into every lesson. Your unwavering kindness wasn’t just on the whiteboard, it filled the classroom with warmth. We may be graduating from your lessons, but your impact is forever inscribed on our hearts. Cheers!
  4. To our dear teacher: As you embark on this exciting new chapter, we hope you cherish the memories forged within these hallowed halls and the profound impact you have made on each of us. While we might playfully picture you trading lecture halls for grading your grandchildren’s spelling tests or meticulously analyzing your grocery list with an educator’s discerning eye, know that our respect and admiration remain unwavering.
  5. Hey Teach! As you head into retirement, let’s raise a glass! You’ve been an amazing mentor and friend, and your dedication to teaching and passion for education shone through everything you did. Your kindness and patience made a real difference for students and us all. We’ll miss you tons. So here’s to you, to relaxation, and to all the adventures that await! Thanks for everything, and best wishes for a happy retirement!

Read: 21 Creative Teacher Retirement Celebration Ideas

11. Retirement Toast For Family Members

Now that the confetti’s settled for the dads, moms, and spouses, let’s raise a glass for the amazing family members who’ve earned their retirement!

Whether they’ve graced the office, classroom, stage, or wherever their passion took them, they’ve poured their hearts and souls into their careers. So celebrate them with these heartwarming toasts!

  1. Cheers to [Name]! Your hard work, dedication, and inspiration leave a legacy we’ll carry forward. Our family is very proud of you! May your retirement be filled with adventure and joy!
  2. Cheers to your retirement! You are one of our family’s greatest pride! We’re proud of your accomplishments and excited for the adventures ahead. Enjoy this new chapter, knowing we’ll always support and celebrate you.
  3. Today, we honor our beloved family member, who has dedicated their life to their career. Your unparalleled commitment to work has been an inspiration to us all, and we’ve witnessed your remarkable achievements firsthand. As you embark on this new chapter of retirement, may you prioritize rest and self-care. Cheers to you and this well-deserved milestone!
  4. On your retirement, we celebrate your remarkable achievements born out of hard work, perseverance, and dedication to your profession. Your retirement signifies the culmination of years of service and stands as a well-deserved reward for your efforts. As you step into retirement, rest assured of our unwavering love and support. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the wonderful accomplishments that lie ahead in this next phase of your journey. Here’s to a joyful and fulfilling retirement!
  5. Soak it in, [Name], retirement is finally here! While we’re sad to see you leave your work, we couldn’t be happier for you to embark on this exciting new chapter. We cherish every moment with you, and we can’t wait to create more unforgettable memories together. Here’s to your well-deserved retirement and all the laughter, joy, and relaxation it brings!

12. Retirement Toast Funny

For those of you brave enough to turn toasts into roasts, these might be the right ones for you! Of course, tread lightly. Make sure the retiree can take a joke.

  1. To my dear boss, who’s finally retiring and leaving us with nothing but fond memories and empty promises. We’ll miss your morning grumbles about the coffee machine more than you know. Of course, we kid. But hey, at least now you’ll have plenty of time to become best friends with it!
  2. To our retiring colleague, who’s finally achieved the ultimate career goal of clocking out for the last time. We wish you a retirement filled with leisurely mornings and afternoon naps. And hey, if you ever miss the office chaos, just swing by for a free coffee and a doughnut—your new unofficial job awaits!
  3. To my dad, who’s finally retiring and leaving us with nothing but dad jokes and awkward family photos. Just kidding! We’re excited to see you trade in your work boots for slippers and spend your days mastering the art of texting without auto-correct turning everything into a punchline.
  4. Cheers to our dear mother, who’s finally retiring and can stop pretending to be our personal assistant! Now you can devote all your time to the important things in life, like perfecting your pancake recipe and becoming the reigning champion of online shopping. We’ll be waiting for our daily deliveries!
  5. To my dear friend, who’s finally retiring and leaving us with nothing but happy memories and unfulfilled promises to stay in touch. Just kidding! We know you’ll be too busy living your best life, traveling the world, and perfecting the art of the leisurely afternoon nap. Don’t forget to send us a postcard from paradise!

13. Short Retirement Toast

If you’re a man or woman of few words, here are 10 examples of short retirement toasts you might want to use:

  1. Here’s to a happy retirement filled with new adventures and endless relaxation!
  2. Here’s to a lifetime of leisure and enjoyment. Congratulations on your retirement!
  3. Wishing you all the best in your well-deserved retirement. Cheers!
  4. Congratulations on a fantastic career and a well-earned retirement. Here’s to you!
  5. Here’s to a fulfilling retirement filled with everything you love most. Cheers to you and your future adventures!
  6. Here’s to a long and happy retirement, filled with everything that makes life worth living. Cheers!
  7. Here’s to a career well-lived and a retirement well-earned. Congratulations!
  8. Wishing you all the best in your retirement. May you enjoy every moment and make lasting memories!
  9. Cheers to a wonderful colleague and friend. Best wishes for a fulfilling retirement!
  10. Congratulations on reaching this milestone in your life. Wishing you a happy and peaceful retirement!


Whether you’re raising a glass at a retirement party or offering silent cheers from afar, let’s remember the impact your retirement friend or family member made. With these retirement toasts tailored for different relationships and roles, I hope you found one that can help you say the perfect words to toast this new beginning of theirs.

Meanwhile, if you’re interested in other retiree-related content, I suggest reading a couple of the articles I wrote:

Happy reading!


My wife and I quit the rat race and retired in 2021. We RV'ed around the US for a couple of years and now we're slow traveling outside the US!

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