45 Engaging Retirement Hobbies for Every Interest

Hobbies in Retirement

Have you ever asked yourself, “What hobbies can I do when I retire?” No need to look further! I’ve created this extensive list of 45 best retirement hobbies to help you discover more inspiring and fun options out there. Remember, having a hobby in retirement contributes to getting the most out of your golden years. So, let’s get started!

1. Gardening

Gardening ranks among the most popular pastimes for retirees. It’s a delight for those who love the outdoors and enjoy getting their hands dirty. Not only is it fun, but it’s also healthy! Gardening involves activities like spading, lifting, tilling, and raking to keep you active and flexible, strengthening your muscles.

Beyond the physical benefits, gardening fosters mindfulness. The act of digging, planting, pulling, and watering requires your full presence and focus. Engaging in mindful activities like these is crucial for achieving balance in your retired life.

The beauty of gardening lies in its versatility. You can branch out into various disciplines, from cultivating vegetables and flowers to the intricate art of bonsai gardening, which I’ll discuss later.

Indeed, gardening offers the perfect blend for retirees: staying active, immersing yourself in nature, and enjoying a calming activity. Did you know that Masterclass offers a fantastic gardening course taught by renowned LA-based expert Ron Finley? It’s a great way to learn more and get started!

2. Cooking

Retirement often means more time spent at home, so why not spice things up by making cooking your next hobby? Learning to cook like a chef can add even more flavor to your golden years!

Not only is cooking an enjoyable and creative pursuit, but it’s also incredibly practical. You’ll likely see improvements in your diet by preparing your own meals at home, while also saving money compared to regular takeout or dining out.

As your culinary confidence grows, don’t be afraid to experiment! Reimagine family favorites, explore unfamiliar dishes or try new cooking techniques like grilling, campfire cooking, or baking. You can even combine hobbies like gardening to grow your own fresh ingredients!

If you want to take it to the next level, why not enroll in a MasterClass? Masterclass offers a diverse range of highly popular cooking courses taught by renowned chefs.

3. Running A Business

Running a business seems like more of a responsibility rather than a hobby. However, if you miss the old life you have, consider starting a business.

Starting a business can be a fulfilling way to put your skills and talents to use while earning extra income. Enjoy the freedom of being your own boss and doing what you love! However, I recommend starting part-time to ensure it remains enjoyable and doesn’t feel like a burden.

Unsure of your perfect business idea? Take your time exploring! If you need inspiration, check out my article, “Which Business Is Best After Retirement?

Remember, the core of a retirement hobby-turned-business should be fun. Prioritize what you truly enjoy and then explore how it can generate income. Don’t start with the sole focus on money at the risk of choosing something you dislike.

The good news? You don’t need a hefty investment to begin. Bootstrap your way to success with creativity and resourcefulness!

4. Hiking

For outdoor enthusiasts like me, hiking offers a fantastic retirement hobby. You can easily incorporate it into your daily or weekly routine, and it’s an excellent activity to share with others.

Imagine living near stunning lakes, beaches, or forests with endless hiking trails waiting to be explored. Alternatively, turn hiking into a travel adventure by traveling to national parks within your state or even across the country.

But beyond pure enjoyment, hiking boasts numerous health benefits. According to WebMD, it strengthens your core, lowers your risk of heart disease, builds leg strength, and even boosts your mood. If you’re seeking a fun and health-conscious hobby, look no further than hiking!

By the way, don’t forget to invest in proper gear. Start with a good pair of hiking shoes. This will ensure comfort and support on your adventures.

5. Crafting

If walking around isn’t something you look forward to, then try staying at home and crafting. One of the biggest appeals of crafting hobbies is the satisfaction of starting a project, seeing it through to completion, and then trying on something entirely new.

The sheer diversity of the world of crafting is staggering, leaving you free to explore and find what resonates with you. The key is to engage your hands and unleash your creativity!

By making crafting your hobby, you unlock a treasure trove of opportunities. Design unique accessories for your home, create heartfelt gifts and decorations for holidays or birthdays, or invent life hacks that simplify your everyday life.

If your crafting skills blossom, even consider selling your creations on Etsy for some extra income in retirement.

However, if you want to keep crafting purely as a leisure activity, I recommend exploring Cratejoy’s Arts & Crafts. It’s a monthly subscription box service, which delivers and introduces a new craft and technique, encouraging continuous learning and expansion of your crafting repertoire every month.

6. Golfing

Golf often comes to mind when contemplating retirement hobbies. One of the oldest sports, its global popularity continues to expand. While traditionally enjoyed by retirees, is golf the perfect fit for you?

Beyond simple enjoyment, golf offers several advantages:

  • Exercise: Walking the 18 holes provides physical activity.
  • Outdoors: Immerse yourself in nature and fresh air.
  • Socialization: Play with friends or meet new ones at the club.

While I wholeheartedly recommend it, I should warn you that it’s not the most budget-friendly hobby.

According to a Golf Channel survey, the average public course round costs $36 with a cart. Private clubs involve annual memberships and additional fees, ranging from moderate to astronomical initiation costs. Before you tee off, research nearby courses and their pricing to find the right fit. Check out 100golfcourses.com for reviews and comparisons.

Meanwhile, while golf equipment can be pricey, don’t despair! Affordable options are available online. For example, Callaway’s best-selling complete set on Amazon offers a cost-effective way to get started.

7. Writing

If golfing and crafting don’t fancy you, why not try your hand at writing? Writing can be a gratifying hobby for retirees, offering creative expression and a chance to share your stories and experiences.  

Writing can be daunting for most but fear not. Once you discover your writing niche, the journey becomes much smoother. Memoir writing is a popular choice among retirees, but I’ll explore diverse writing avenues later. Just look at me! After years of writing, it became second nature to me!

Also, if you think you need guidance or help, consider Masterclass. It’s a fantastic platform to hone your writing skills and learn from renowned authors worldwide.

Currently, Masterclass offers over 100 courses across various subjects, with new additions every month. In the writing category alone, you have 17 inspiring courses to choose from. Consider “Margaret Atwood teaches Creative Writing,” one of the platform’s popular writing courses.

8. Blogging

if you do get into writing, why not expand this hobby into blogging? Starting a blog could be a fantastic way to express yourself and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you’re simply looking for a creative outlet or aiming for future monetization, there’s a blogging approach that’s right for you.

For pure hobby bloggers, the possibilities are limitless! Choose any subject that sparks your interest and start creating. Share your unique perspective, delve into insightful analysis, or simply chronicle your adventures—it’s entirely up to you.

If you envision your blog evolving into a source of income down the line, it’s wise to consider additional factors like strategic content planning and audience engagement. For more in-depth guidance on navigating this path, check out my article: “Blogging in Retirement: 11 Expert Tips.”

9. Reading

Since I’m already talking about writing, let’s now talk about reading. Reading offers the ultimate “budget-friendly travel experience.” With a book in hand, you can go on journeys to distant lands and delve into captivating narratives, all without leaving your seat. This makes it a particularly appealing hobby for retirees, given its affordability and accessibility.

Besides being a low-cost hobby, it has several other benefits most retirees like you would love to benefit from:

  • Relaxation: Lose yourself in captivating stories and unwind from daily stresses.
  • Flexibility: Enjoy this activity anywhere, anytime, at your own pace.
  • Stress Reduction: Books offer a proven escape from everyday worries.
  • Improved Sleep: Reading before bed can promote deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Vast Selection: Discover endless genres and authors to suit your diverse interests.
  • Enhanced Vocabulary: Expand your wordpower and sharpen your communication skills.
  • Knowledge Expansion: Learn about new cultures, historical events, and diverse perspectives.
  • Open-Mindedness: Encounter different viewpoints and broaden your understanding of the world.
  • Memory And Concentration: Reading actively engages your brain, boosting memory and focus.
  • Imagination Boost: Immerse yourself in fictional worlds and unleash your creativity.

Retirement presents the perfect opportunity to revisit your love for reading. After years of busy schedules, you now have the luxury of time to indulge in this enriching activity. Perhaps, like many of us, you have a cherished list of books waiting to be explored. Embrace this time to finally delve into those stories and embark on countless literary adventures.

Consider investing in an e-reader to save space, money, and time. Platforms like Amazon Kindle offer “free” access to millions of titles with various subscription options (six, 12, 24 months). Kindle boasts one of the most extensive online e-book libraries available, ensuring you’ll always find something new to discover.

10. Painting

As you enrich your imagination through reading, why not translate it on a canvas? Retirement is the perfect time to explore your creative side, and painting is a top pick for you to do that.

Even if you’ve never painted before, don’t let that hold you back. Painting starter kits with various paints and online tutorials galore make getting started easier than ever. Explore different paints and techniques through YouTube videos, discovering what aspect of painting, drawing, or sketching resonates with you the most.

Also, remember this: Painting isn’t just about creating beautiful art; it boasts numerous benefits too! Research from Harvard Health Publishing suggests it enhances memory recollection and sharpens cognitive skills through visualization and problem-solving.

Painting can also serve as a powerful tool for emotional expression and a form of meditation, promoting inner peace and well-being. Studies even suggest that regular painting may reduce the risk of developing memory-related illnesses later in life.

11. Entertaining

“Grow old, never grow up!” This famous saying, often repeated by a dear friend of mine, serves as a beautiful reminder to nurture our inner child, even in retirement. After all, a youthful spirit can often translate into a healthier, happier body, allowing us to experience more of life’s joys.

Entertaining isn’t exactly a hobby, but more of a collection of fun and artistic activities that can unleash your creativity and satisfy your inner craving to make people smile, laugh, and even cry.

Aside from spreading joy, an arts and entertainment hobby can be a wonderful way to keep your mind young and engaged. Whether you choose to master magic tricks, explore art creation, step into the role of a comedian, or even transform everyday objects into unique artworks, the possibilities are truly endless.

Engaging in artistic pursuits offers a multitude of benefits beyond staying mentally young. It can spark your creativity, enhance your communication skills, and provide a powerful outlet for self-expression. 

12. Farming Vegetables

Remember the gardening hobby we introduced earlier in this blog? Gardening holds vast potential due to its numerous and diverse approaches. In this section, let’s explore different ways to jumpstart your green thumb adventure!

One popular entry point is cultivating a vegetable garden. It’s no surprise that many beginners choose this route.

Now, here’s the beauty of vegetable farming: not only do you reap the therapeutic benefits of the activity, but you also cultivate fresh, homegrown food! Talk about combining hobbies perfectly! Think of it as a seamless transition to your future culinary explorations.

But what if you lack a traditional garden space? Worry not! Alternative solutions await. Let’s delve into some exciting options…

13. Cultivating An Indoor And Balcony Garden

Living in an apartment with only a balcony doesn’t have to hinder your gardening dreams! You can still cultivate a thriving vegetable garden by using clever space-saving techniques.

Two popular options for maximizing limited space are container gardening and vertical gardening. Both excel in utilizing small areas effectively. Grow vegetables in pots, planters, or raised beds on your balcony, or explore vertical systems like hanging planters or wall gardens.

If natural light is scarce, consider indoor gardening. Just ensure your chosen space receives sufficient (preferably natural) light and maintains a consistent temperature. Herbs like basil, parsley, mint, dill, and thyme thrive indoors, providing fresh flavor for your culinary creations.

14. Growing Bonsai

The ancient art of bonsai gardening, cultivating miniature trees in ornamental containers, holds a special appeal for many retirees. Do note that this is far more challenging than simple gardening and cultivating vegetables. Through meticulous techniques, bonsai artists limit the height of these trees and sculpt them into captivating shapes, creating living works of art.

For beginners, entering the world of bonsai unlocks a universe of exploration. While many recognize the distinct appearance and long history of bonsai, the sheer diversity within this art form might be surprising.

With over 600 plant species suitable for bonsai cultivation, monotony is nonexistent. Each plant requires unique care, fostering a constant learning experience and satisfaction as you nurture your miniature marvels.

Some varieties even offer bonus possibilities—brewing tea from their leaves or harvesting miniature fruits—showcasing the remarkable scope of this practice. This vast potential for exploration makes bonsai gardening a truly rewarding hobby for retirees seeking both creative expression and a connection with nature.

If you’re captivated by the world of bonsai and eager to learn more, I highly recommend “The Bonsai Beginner’s Bible,” a comprehensive guide available on Amazon.

15. Consulting

Your wealth of experience and expertise holds valuable potential for businesses. It would be a waste not to use it now that you’re retired. So, consider offering your services as a freelance consultant. You can even try to return to your former company part-time in a consulting role to guide others.

Embarking on this path may require registering as a business. If so, consider services like Northwest Registered Agent to simplify the process. You can access further information on setting up a business entity through their website.

16. Mentoring And Coaching

If consulting isn’t for you and you want a more personal connection with the people you’ll teach, you may want to try mentoring and coaching instead. Whether within your past industry or a broader field, mentorship or coaching allows you to share your valuable insights and collaborate with younger individuals.

Having to coach or mentor someone not only benefits your students but also keeps you mentally active and engaged, fostering a fresh and youthful perspective.

If you’re interested in honing your coaching skills, consider exploring platforms like Coach Training Alliance. This platform can help you refine your abilities and potentially achieve coaching certification, further equipping you to guide and empower others.

17. Freelancing Online

Considering a new path after consulting, coaching, or running a business? Freelancing online offers an opportunity to leverage your existing skills and connect with clients directly.

Numerous platforms facilitate online freelancing, connecting individuals with diverse skill sets to clients seeking specific expertise. Among popular options are virtual assistance and freelance writing. If you possess these skills, exploring online freelancing might be a worthwhile endeavor.

As a virtual assistant, you can leverage your administrative, technical, or creative abilities to support clients remotely. Tasks may range from scheduling appointments and managing emails to creating presentations and social media content.

Meanwhile, if you have a passion for writing and enjoy crafting compelling text, freelance writing might be a fulfilling career path. As an online freelance writer, you’ll have the opportunity to create diverse content ranging from:

  • Engaging website copy that captures attention and drives conversions.
  • Informative blog posts that educate and entertain readers.
  • Well-researched articles that showcase your expertise and insights.

By catering to the needs of various clients, you’ll expand your writing skills and gain valuable experience in different industries.

One good platform to start your online freelancing journey is Fiverr. This company boasts a vast marketplace, allowing you to discover projects that align with your interests and expertise. Visit their website to explore the platform’s full potential and embark on your digital entrepreneurial journey. So, check out Fiverr today!

18. Dog Walking

While enjoying indoor hobbies is great, venturing outside can offer additional benefits! Consider becoming a dog walker, connecting with nature and furry friends alike.

Many busy professionals rely on dog walking services to ensure their canine companions receive essential exercise and social interaction throughout the day. By becoming a dog walker, you can provide this valuable service while enjoying the fresh air and the company of adorable animals.

Platforms like Wag connect dog walkers with pet owners in their area, allowing you to set your own schedule and earn money per walk. Whether you prefer leisurely strolls through the park or brisk walks around the neighborhood, there’s a dog walking opportunity in Wag that suits your style.

19. Caring For Animals

Of course, not all retirees or people are into dogs. So, instead of dog walking, you might want to care for animals instead as a hobby. For many retirees, caring for animals offers immense joy and companionship. If you think this is the hobby for you, then you can start by:

  • Adopting: Welcome a furry (or feathered, or scaled) friend into your life by adopting a pet from a shelter or rescue organization.
  • Fostering: Provide temporary care and affection to animals in need by becoming a foster parent. This allows them to thrive until they find their forever homes.
  • Volunteering: Share your love for animals by volunteering at a local rescue center. You can assist with daily care, socialization, or fundraising efforts.
  • Working In Pet Stores: Consider employment opportunities at a pet store, where you can interact with animals and provide helpful advice to pet owners.
  • Pet Sitting: Explore pet-sitting opportunities for various animals, offering peace of mind to pet owners and companionship to their beloved companions.

20. Camping

Retirement opens doors to endless possibilities—as if I never said this enough already—and camping can be a fulfilling and enriching hobby to embrace. Beyond the fresh air and stunning scenery, it acts as a gateway to a multitude of other activities that can keep you active and engaged:

  • Immerse Yourself In Nature: Hike through vibrant trails, swim in pristine lakes, or relax beside a crackling campfire.
  • Explore New Places: Travel to different campgrounds, discover hidden gems, and embark on sightseeing adventures.
  • Refine Your Culinary Skills: Master the art of outdoor cooking over an open fire or camp stove.
  • Challenge Yourself: Try kayaking, fishing, hunting, or biking—the options are endless!

And if you’re already an avid camper like me, you may want to take it to the next level instead. And you can do that by:

  • Upgrading Your Gear: Invest in comfortable and functional equipment to enhance your comfort and enjoyment.
  • Increasing Your Trips: Schedule more camping adventures throughout the year to explore new destinations and deepen your connection with nature.
  • Turning Camping Into Your Job: Consider opportunities like Workamping, which allows you to travel and camp while contributing to campgrounds in exchange for free campsites and sometimes additional compensation.

Embrace the spirit of exploration and adapt camping to your preferences. Whether you seek tranquil solitude or adventurous activities, there’s a camping experience waiting to be discovered.

Note: Workamping is only available to US citizens.

21. Fishing

Since I’m already talking about camping, why not try fishing as well? Fishing, one of the world’s most popular hobbies, enjoys particular favor among retirees. It’s not just a leisure activity; it’s also considered a sport that offers numerous benefits.

Fishing provides a serene escape from everyday stress. Whether you aim to catch your next meal or practice catch-and-release, the tranquil environment cultivates patience and fosters bonding opportunities. Being outdoors amidst nature further enhances both mental and physical well-being.

The diverse world of fishing offers something for everyone. Explore various styles to discover your perfect match:

  • Freshwater Fishing: Target bass, trout, and other freshwater species in lakes, rivers, and streams.
  • Saltwater Fishing: Venture out to sea and reel in larger fish like tuna, marlin, and halibut. Be sure to gear up for this one as saltwater fishing can be very challenging, especially if you want to go deep-sea fishing.
  • Shore Fishing: Cast your line from the beach, pier, or jetty, enjoying the convenience and accessibility.
  • Fly Fishing: Master the art of using lightweight lures and casting techniques for a unique experience. This is definitely more challenging than the rest, requiring years of mastery.
  • Ice Fishing: Drill a hole in the frozen lake and experience the thrill of winter fishing.
  • Canoe Fishing: Combine the serenity of paddling with the excitement of fishing from a unique vantage point. Definitely another challenging fishing method. I suggest trying canoeing or kayaking by itself first before mixing it with fishing.
  • Stand-Up Paddle Board Fishing: Enjoy the stability and maneuverability of a paddleboard while casting your line.
  • Magnet Fishing: For a quirky twist, try retrieving metal treasures from bodies of water with strong magnets. Be sure to check with the local authorities first before you magnet fish as some places can be strict with this activity.

The specific fishing equipment you need depends on your chosen fishing style. Thoroughly research before purchasing gear to ensure it aligns with your preferences and intended waters. While Amazon offers an array of products, consult local fishing experts or visit dedicated fishing stores for personalized guidance.

22. Collecting

Now, let’s go back to a less physically demanding hobby: collecting. For many, collecting proves to be an immensely rewarding hobby. If you enjoy seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying, storing, and maintaining items that hold personal interest, this world holds endless possibilities for you.

Here are just a few exciting collecting hobbies that can enrich your retirement years:

  • Coins: Immerse yourself in the history and artistry of coins, learning about different cultures and eras through meticulously curated collections.
  • Books: Indulge your love for literature by collecting books, whether beloved classics, signed editions, or fascinating first prints.
  • Comics: Dive into the vibrant world of comic books, exploring superhero adventures, graphic novels, and limited-edition treasures.
  • Figures: Relive fond memories or discover new favorites with collections of dolls, action figures, or even vintage toys.
  • Rocks: Embrace the beauty of nature by collecting rocks, minerals, fossils, or seashells, learning about geology and paleontology while building your own mini-museum.
  • Music: Indulge your passion for music by collecting records across various genres and eras, creating a unique sonic experience.
  • Vintage And Antiques: Travel back in time by collecting vintage cars, clothing, or other memorabilia, preserving history and sparking conversation.

Collecting is a deeply personal journey. Choose objects that spark your curiosity and ignite your passion, creating a collection that reflects your unique tastes and interests.

23. Swimming

If you’re planning to fish, why not include swimming as a hobby as well? It’s not just a refreshing activity, but also one of the healthiest and most beneficial exercises you can choose.

Swimming offers a unique combination of benefits for your entire body:

  • Boosts Endurance: Sustained laps improve your stamina and keep you energized.
  • Strengthens Muscles: From your core to your limbs, swimming engages various muscle groups.
  • Enhances Cardiovascular Fitness: The rhythmic movements promote a strong heart and improved circulation.

Unlike many other exercises, swimming is incredibly gentle on your joints. This makes it ideal for people of all ages and fitness levels, minimizing the risk of injuries. And beyond the physical benefits, swimming offers valuable health advantages:

  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Regular swimming promotes healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Improves Circulation: The water pressure enhances blood flow throughout your body.
  • Reduces Heart And Lung Disease Risk: Swimming strengthens your heart and lungs, contributing to overall health.

Ready to dive in? Start by finding a comfortable swimming environment and gradually increase your time and intensity. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

24. Boating

Imagine yourself enjoying endless afternoons on the water, swimming in shallow waters, exploring hidden coves, and soaking up the sunshine. Boating can be much more than just transportation; it can be a rewarding retirement hobby filled with adventure and relaxation.

Invite your loved ones to share the joy! Whether it’s a thrilling wakeboarding session with friends or a peaceful sunset cruise with family, creating lasting memories is guaranteed.

Aside from swimming, boating can let you enjoy the waters more through the following:

  • Snorkeling Or Scuba Diving: Immerse yourself in breathtaking underwater landscapes.
  • Sunbathing: Soak up the sun with a good book while your boat gently rocks on the waves.
  • Stargazing: Take an evening boat trip and marvel at the night sky with the help of a star chart app.
  • Boat Gating: Tailgate before a sporting event by anchoring near the stadium. (Check if your favorite team offers this option!)

Meanwhile, if you already own a boat, consider adding some fun accessories to enhance your outings:

Explore local marinas, boat clubs, or rental services to find the perfect way to hit the water. With endless possibilities and memories waiting to be made, boating is sure to become your favorite retirement pastime.

25. Exercising

In case you don’t feel like swimming, exercising is a good alternative. Whether you dream of running a marathon or simply aim for daily walks, prioritizing physical activity offers immense benefits.

For fitness enthusiasts, retirement presents the perfect opportunity to chase ambitious goals. Train for that marathon, conquer a triathlon—make your dreams a reality!

But even if you haven’t been consistently active, embracing exercise in retirement becomes more than just a hobby; it’s an investment in your well-being. Regular physical activity strengthens your muscles, helps manage weight, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Beyond the physical advantages, exercise boasts significant mood-boosting power. As you move your body, your body releases endorphins, natural chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and well-being.

Ready to get started? My article, “How Can I Stay Active in Retirement?” offers practical tips to seamlessly integrate exercise into your daily routine.

26. Volunteering

To keep yourself from getting bored and isolated, I suggest volunteering. Many retirees like you discover the joy and fulfillment of volunteering, and contributing to their communities while staying active and engaged. Here’s how volunteering can enrich your retirement:

  • Making A Difference: Lend a hand to those in need, be it at a local community center, animal shelter, soup kitchen, or your favorite charity. Volunteering also provides physical and mental stimulation, keeping you engaged and motivated. Lastly, meet new people who share your passions and values, building rewarding social connections.
  • Unlocking Your Potential: Discover hidden talents and explore potential career paths you might not have considered before. Moreover, develop new skills and gain experience in different fields, enhancing your personal and professional development. And contribute your unique skills and knowledge, gaining a sense of accomplishment and purpose.
  • Benefits For Body And Mind: Giving back to others has a positive impact on your mental health, combating stress and negative emotions. And social interaction and helping others are proven to contribute to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Numerous online platforms and local organizations connect volunteers with opportunities:

  • Volunteer.gov: Find federal and state volunteer positions across the country.
  • VolunteerMatch.org: Search for diverse volunteer opportunities aligned with your interests.
  • JustServe.org: Explore volunteer needs within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Read more about the benefits of volunteering in retirement in my article, “Why Do Retirees Volunteer?”

27. Traveling

Traveling is my bias, and I definitely love traveling and moving around from town to town. It’s a truly enriching hobby, as it allows you to:

  • Immerse Yourself In New Cultures: Discover diverse customs, traditions, and ways of life, broadening your perspectives.
  • Witness Breathtaking Destinations: From towering mountains to pristine beaches, marvel at the world’s stunning beauty.
  • Connect With Interesting People: Share stories and forge connections with locals and fellow travelers.

Travel adventures don’t always demand a hefty budget! Remember, exploring new places isn’t limited to crossing international borders. Consider “slow travel” like mine: exploring various cities and states in my trusted RV, staying for days, weeks, or even months to truly soak up the local offerings.

Start by uncovering hidden gems or rediscovering familiar sights in your own backyard. Seek out historical landmarks, museums, or nature parks you haven’t visited before. Fresh eyes lead to fresh experiences!

If you have a dedicated travel budget, consider fulfilling your dream adventures:

  • Embark On An Rv Road Trip: Explore diverse landscapes and enjoy the freedom of the open road.
  • Set Sail On A Scenic Cruise: Relax and discover vibrant port cities while enjoying onboard amenities.
  • Nomad Biking: A truly immersive travel experience for those seeking adventure. Imagine: hitting the open road on a customized cruiser, carrying only the essentials as you explore diverse landscapes across the country. It’s a demanding yet rewarding way to discover the world on your own terms.

Before embarking on your next adventure, explore various resources to ensure a fulfilling and cost-effective trip. You might start with knowing the best traveling resources. Also, be sure to get the best travel gear you can get.

Read More: How To Retire And Travel Cheap: 20 Helpful Tips

28. Socializing

Staying socially connected after retirement offers numerous benefits for both mental and physical well-being. This is especially important as daily interactions and stimulation from work decrease, potentially leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Remember, as a retiree, you definitely need all the benefits of socialization with others. Here are just a few of them:

  • Combats Loneliness And Depression: Social interaction provides a sense of belonging and purpose, fostering happiness and emotional well-being.
  • Keeps You Mentally Sharp: Engaging in conversations and shared experiences can help maintain cognitive function and memory.
  • Promotes Physical Health: Social connections can encourage physical activity and healthy habits, contributing to overall physical health.

Fortunately, numerous avenues exist to maintain and build social connections in retirement:

  • Organize Events: Gather friends and family for potlucks, game nights, or outings.
  • Host Family Dinners: Strengthen family bonds and create lasting memories.
  • Become An Airbnb Host: Meet people from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • Volunteer: Give back to your community and connect with like-minded individuals.
  • Take Classes: Learn new skills and connect with classmates who share your interests.
  • Join Clubs: Explore hobbies and activities alongside others who share your passions.

Socialize for a happier retirement! It’s not just fun, it’s essential for well-being. Explore countless ways to connect and discover the benefits in my articles: How To Avoid Depression In Retirement and 20 Ways To Stay Social In Retirement.

29. Cycling

While I mentioned nomad biking, exploring your passion on two wheels doesn’t require grand adventures. Embrace local bike paths, quiet roads, or even indoor options like spin classes or virtual cycling!

Do note that it’s just not a hobby you can waste your time on. It offers a lot of benefits similar to swimming and exercising. Some of them are:

  • Keeps You Active And Healthy: Cycling offers a low-impact exercise that strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and keeps you energized.
  • Lets You Enjoy The Outdoors: Explore scenic landscapes, feel the wind in your hair, and soak up the sunshine as you pedal.
  • Offers A Variety Of Activities: Choose leisurely rides around town, adventurous mountain biking trails, or even competitive cycling events, depending on your preferences.
  • Gives You A Gentle Form Of Exercise: Compared to running, cycling puts less stress on your joints, making it a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels.
  • Lets You Save Money And The Planet: Leave the car at home and ditch the gym membership! Cycling can save you money while reducing your environmental impact.
  • Allows You To Be Active Indoors: If outdoor activities aren’t your thing, consider an indoor exercise bike. It allows you to enjoy the benefits of cycling in the comfort of your own home.

Ready to roll? Invest in a bike, find a safe route, and start pedaling towards a healthier and happier retirement! Or you can start with an indoor exercise bike if you’re not ready to go outside yet.

30. Playing games

Speaking of indoors, let’s go back to hobbies you can do indoors. One of them is playing games. To get started, do the following:

  • Host Game Nights: Regularly invite friends and family for evenings filled with friendly competition and social connection. Explore classic board games like Bridge or Chess, or try new ones to keep things fresh.
  • Join A Club Or Competition: Check your local community center for game clubs or organized tournaments. This is a great way to meet new people who share your interests and challenge yourself in a structured setting.
  • Bond With Grandchildren: Introduce them to the timeless fun of board games. Share your favorites and explore new options together, creating lasting memories and fostering a love for games across generations.

If you have no idea of what to play first, here are my top picks:

  • Rummikub: A strategic tile-laying game for challenging your mind and memory.
  • Twister: A fun and active game that guarantees laughter and physical activity.
  • Skip-Bo: A fast-paced card game that’s easy to learn and addictive to play.

Don’t forget the vast world of digital games and online communities! Explore different platforms and genres to find experiences that suit your preferences and connect with fellow gamers worldwide.

31. Puzzling

Instead of games, you can go for puzzles. Beyond pure enjoyment, puzzling offers numerous benefits for your mind and well-being:

  • Improved Memory And Problem-Solving: Puzzles challenge your brain to remember patterns, rules, and strategies, strengthening cognitive functions like memory and critical thinking.
  • Increased Attention Span And Focus: Concentrating on finding solutions can enhance your ability to focus and filter out distractions, improving overall cognitive performance.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Puzzles often require thinking outside the box and devising creative solutions, sharpening your problem-solving abilities applicable to everyday situations.

Whether you favor the classic challenge of a 1000-piece jigsaw, the convenience of online puzzle apps, or the intricate craftsmanship of wooden brain teasers, there’s a puzzle experience waiting for you. Explore and discover what resonates with your preferences and skill level.

32. Knitting

For a more solitary hobby, try knitting. Turning yarn and needles into beautiful objects brings joy to many. While traditionally linked to female retirees, knitting has seen a surge in popularity across all ages and genders in recent years as it offers the following:

  • Boundless Creativity: From cozy scarves to personalized gifts, the possibilities are endless! Design unique home decorations, seasonal clothing, or heartfelt birthday presents.
  • Accessible Inspiration: Countless online resources like Pinterest and YouTube offer tutorials and project ideas for all skill levels.
  • Mindful Escape: Knitting’s rhythmic movements and focused attention have a proven calming effect, reducing anxiety and promoting stress relief.

Knitting transcends gender and age boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned retiree or a curious beginner, there’s a community and a yarn waiting to welcome you.

Ready to cast on?  I recommend starting with Knitcrate but feel free to explore local yarn stores, online resources, or community groups to find your perfect starting point. Remember, the most important element is the joy of creating something unique with your own hands.

33. Babysitting

Do you miss having kids again? Do you want someone to receive the clothes, caps, and various garments you knitted? Why not try babysitting? Consider the following joys of providing childcare:

  • Deepen Bonds With Grandkids: Offer to babysit your grandkids more often. This strengthens your connection, creates lasting memories, and eases the burden on your children.
  • Expand Your Social Circle And Earn Extra Income: Help friends and neighbors by offering childcare. This provides valuable assistance to them and can generate some income for you.
  • Build Meaningful Connections: Develop lasting bonds with families and children in your community.
  • Share Your Love And Skills: Nurture young lives and beloved pets with your knowledge and experience.
  • Find Joy In Giving Back: Experience the satisfaction of making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Remember, responsible caregiving involves preparation:

  • Licensing And Regulations: Research and comply with all necessary childcare regulations in your area, depending on frequency and location.
  • Comfort And Capability: Prioritizing the well-being of children is crucial. Only offer services if you feel comfortable and capable in the role.

However, if you’re going to care for a relative or for a friend’s kid, you may not need to go through licensing and regulations.

34. Relaxing

Of course! Relaxing is also a hobby! After years of dedicated hard work, prioritizing relaxation in retirement offers immense rewards. This is especially true if you’ve navigated stressful careers. While transitioning to a slower pace might initially feel challenging, remember—relaxation is a skill that improves with practice!

Finding what truly relaxes you is unique to your individual preferences. Dedicate time each day to explore and discover what brings you calm and rejuvenation. Here are some inspiring ideas:

  • Soak In The Sun: Unwind poolside, enjoying the warmth and gentle breeze.
  • Indulge In Self-Care: Treat yourself to a weekly or monthly massage to ease tension and promote well-being.
  • Find Your Inner Peace: Explore yoga or meditation practices to quiet your mind and cultivate inner calmness.
  • Unwind In Luxury: Pamper yourself with a spa retreat or book a breathtaking all-inclusive cruise.
  • Connect With Nature: Go for a walk in a park, or immerse yourself in the serenity of a nature hike.
  • Unwind At Home: Create a relaxing routine: take a warm bath, listen to soothing music, or curl up with a good book in a comfortable chair.

While certain products can elevate your comfort, true relaxation stems from finding activities and practices that resonate with you. Focus on building a personalized routine that brings you joy and peace, rather than relying solely on material possessions. But here are some I would recommend:

35. Stand-Up Paddle Boarding

If you can’t stand idle relaxation and looking for a fun, low-impact exercise that combines physical activity with mental relaxation? Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) might be your perfect retirement hobby!

Unlike traditional surfing, SUP offers amazing accessibility. People of all ages and fitness levels, from “small kids to seniors,” can enjoy the smooth glide across the water. It’s no surprise why it has gained so much popularity among retirees in recent years.

SUP provides a gentle yet effective workout, engaging your entire body without putting stress on your joints. It’s a fantastic way to stay active and maintain good physical health in retirement.

Beyond the physical benefits, SUP offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature and find inner peace. The calm water, gentle rocking, and focus required to maintain balance create a meditative state, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. After an hour on the board, you’ll feel rejuvenated and recharged.

The beauty of SUP is its simplicity. All you need is a calm body of water—a lake, ocean, or even a mild stream—and your inflatable paddleboard, portable for easy transport. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your board, get out on the water, and discover the joy of stand-up paddleboarding!

Read More: What Is The Best Paddle Board For Seniors?

36. Learning Your Genealogy 

Feeling overwhelmed with commitments? Consider exploring your family history as a hobby!

Many retirees find immense satisfaction in uncovering their heritage through genealogy. In fact, USA Today reports it as the second most popular hobby in the United States. If you’re curious about your roots, here are some starting steps:

  • Free Online Resources: Explore websites like FindMyPast and Ancestry to build your family tree at no cost. These platforms offer user-friendly tools and historical records to aid your research.
  • Digging Deeper: For more in-depth exploration, consider subscription-based websites like FamilySearch.org and Genealogy.com. These sites offer access to extensive archives and advanced search functionalities.
  • Tap Into Family Knowledge: Talk to your family members, especially older relatives, and ask them what they know about your shared history. Ask them about their parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Their memories can be invaluable pieces in your family puzzle.
  • Local Libraries: Visit your local library and inquire about their genealogy resources. Librarians can be especially helpful if your family has resided in the same area for generations. They can assist you in finding old birth certificates, census records, and other valuable documents.

Genealogy is not just about names and dates; it’s about understanding your lineage and connecting with the stories of those who came before you. Embrace the journey of discovery and enjoy the enriching experience of uncovering your unique family history.

37. Taking Up Photography

Photography offers a unique blend of creativity and technical skill, allowing you to capture the world around you with a unique perspective. From special events and cherished faces to captivating landscapes, photography allows you to preserve memories and tell stories through stunning visuals.

The great news is, you don’t need top-of-the-line equipment to get started! While high-quality cameras offer advanced features for more technical exploration, even smartphones can capture beautiful images. Focus on honing your eye for composition, light, and storytelling, and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.

If you’re looking to learn from the best, consider exploring photography courses or workshops offered by professionals. Remember, the most important element is your passion and curiosity. So, grab your camera (or phone!), step outside, and start capturing the beauty of the world around you!

39. Flying

For many, the feeling of flight embodies ultimate freedom. If you yearn to embrace that liberating sensation, consider elevating your retirement by exploring aviation as a hobby!

Aviation offers diverse options beyond traditional commercial flying. Here are some exciting possibilities:

  • Earn Your Recreational Pilot License: Pilot small airplanes and explore breathtaking landscapes from a unique perspective.
  • Embrace The Thrill Of Adventure Sports: Experience the adrenaline rush of skydiving, bungee jumping, or paragliding, each offering a unique airborne experience.
  • Glide In Peace: Immerse yourself in the serenity of glider flying or master the dynamic controls of a paramotor.

If you have an adventurous spirit and yearn for the exhilaration of flight, consider soaring into a world of aviation possibilities in your retirement. With various options suited to diverse preferences and comfort levels, there’s an aviation hobby waiting to unlock your sense of freedom and adventure.

39. Geocaching

Naturally, some would be scared of heights, and would rather keep their feet on the ground. If you’re one of them, try geocaching. With it, you can enjoy the thrill of a good treasure hunt. If that’s what you like, geocaching might be the perfect outdoor adventure for your retirement!

This modern twist on treasure hunting uses GPS coordinates to guide you to hidden containers called “caches.” Getting started is easy:

  1. Visit Geocaching.com: Enter your address or planned hiking location to discover nearby caches.
  2. Pick A Cache: Choose one that suits your interests and difficulty level.
  3. Download Coordinates: Import the coordinates to your GPS device or use a geocaching app on your smartphone.
  4. Let The Adventure Begin: Follow your guide and unlock the hidden treasure!

From beginner-friendly parks to challenging off-the-beaten-path locations, geocaching offers adventures for all skill levels. Each hidden container, or “cache,” holds a logbook for you to mark your find and often contains unique treasures or trinkets to leave behind and exchange. Explore diverse landscapes – parks, forests, even underwater locations! Connect with a global community of geocachers and share your experiences online.

Start your treasure hunt today and discover the captivating world of geocaching!

40. Baking

Let’s step inside again and talk about baking! For those passionate about culinary creations, retirement offers a chance to delve deeper into the world of food, particularly bread and pastry. 

It’s fun to bake your own delicious bread from scratch. Contrary to popular belief, bread-making can be surprisingly simple, offering immense satisfaction without overwhelming complexity. And in retirement, with more time at your disposal, it’s an ideal hobby to cultivate. 

If you’re eager to embark on your bread-making journey, consider seeking guidance from renowned baker Apollonia Poilâne. Her MasterClass offers valuable insights and techniques to help you create perfect loaves at home.

41. Homebrewing

What do bread and beer have in common? Yeast. So, if you’re already baking bread, why not consider making your own beer as well? Having your own lets you enjoy a cold one with friends without going to the store to buy a couple of cans or bottles. Creating your personalized beers can be an incredibly rewarding hobby, offering:

  • Unmatched Flavor: Experiment with diverse styles and ingredients to craft brews that perfectly suit your taste buds.
  • A Sense Of Accomplishment: Take pride in the brewing process, from selecting ingredients to bottling your finished creation.
  • Sharing With Friends And Family: What better way to celebrate than with a beer you lovingly brewed and shared with loved ones?

Homebrewing is becoming increasingly accessible, with numerous resources and beginner-friendly kits available. Don’t let the initial steps intimidate you; with a little research and enthusiasm, you can be on your way to brewing delicious beer in no time.

42. Becoming A Barista

What better way to serve the beer you crafted and the coffee you made than as a professional barista? Becoming a barista is a unique hobby that combines your love for coffee with new skills and potential business opportunities. Consider exploring the world of professional coffee-making!

By enrolling in a barista course, you can delve deeper into the fascinating world of coffee, learning everything from bean origins and roasting techniques to espresso extraction and latte art.

Whether you simply want to perfect your home coffee creations or aspire to open your own part-time cafe, becoming a barista equips you with the knowledge and skillset to pursue your coffee dreams.

Before embarking on your barista journey, consider treating yourself to a Beanbox subscription. This unique service delivers freshly roasted coffee beans from around the world directly to your doorstep, allowing you to experience diverse coffee profiles and brewing methods at home.

43. Running

Running is a timeless activity enjoyed by people of all ages, including retirees. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, numerous free running programs are available online to guide you. For additional support, consider seeking guidance from a qualified trainer.

By the way, supporting your body during exercise is important, and proper shoes are key. While researching various retailers is recommended, finding the perfect running shoes is a personal decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

44. Yoga

On the flip side of running, yoga offers a unique combination of physical and mental benefits, strengthening your body while promoting inner peace and balance. Unlike running, yoga is gentle, low-impact, and can help you recover from pain and stress.

Also, yoga can improve your flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination. So if you’re feeling wobbly as you try running, why not start with yoga instead?

45. Power Walking

Love the outdoors and looking for a new activity? Consider power walking!

Unlike hiking and running, which involve longer distances and potentially rough terrain, power walking focuses on briskness. Aiming for a pace of around 4.9 mph (8 kph), it delivers a good workout without the intensity of running.

Starting with proper technique is key to avoiding injuries. This helpful guide from Healthline outlines the essential points.


As promised at the start of this article, here are some essential tips to find a hobby in retirement that you like.

  • Save This Page As Inspiration: Bookmark this list for easy reference, packed with diverse hobby ideas.
  • Explore And Experiment: With ample time on your hands, try various activities to unearth hidden passions.
  • Reignite Childhood Wonder: Reconnect with hobbies from your youth, embracing the “Grow Old, Never Grow Up” spirit!
  • Follow Your Heart: Pursue activities that spark joy, regardless of what others think. Happiness is the true measure of success.

I hope you were able to find a hobby you like in this article. If you want to read more retiree-related stuff, I recommend the following pages:

Happy reading!


My wife and I quit the rat race and retired in 2021. We RV'ed around the US for a couple of years and now we're slow traveling outside the US!

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